© 2020 GYAIN LLC. This digital experience is made possible thanks to a collaboration with Cottontail Creative
Feeling BUMmed about our canceled trip to New Zealand to celebrate finishing medical school, but excited to start residency in a few months! Throwback to when we got our asses into nature in Iceland after our first year of med school <>
Reynisfjara, Iceland
@mnemetz @kelseywilson3
No Photographer Provided
After being cooped up studying all the time or in the hospital for ~80 hours/week, it feels so freeing to let everything go while in nature, and just enjoy the moment.
It can be done even during quarantine! (as long as you have access to nature locally)
Pushing yourself to the limit to discover new things about the world, people around you, and yourself.
By not caring what others think and just letting myself live in the moment. It can be daunting to get naked in front of people you don’t know very well, and especially uncomfortable to ask them to take a picture of you while doing it! But once you get past that and just enjoy the moment, it is so freeing!
Get Your Ass Into Nature is a social movement aimed at encouraging all people free themselves from judgement, unite with nature and use social media in a unique and honest way.