New article on the Daily Beast
We talked to Daily Beast about getting bullied by Instagram and the joys of being outside naked and they wrote a nice little article about our corner of the internet.
Follow us on twitter
We made a Twitter so we no longer have to get censored on Instagram after yet another threat to have our account deleted. So please follow us there. @buttsoutside for now
Introducing Naomi S
Naomi is an Idaho native and recovery advocate who chronicles her experiences with eating disorders, exercise addiction, and leaving diet culture behind on her instagram @dietculturesucks. She is obsessed with living in DC and loves politics, spending time with her friends, reading, and drinking fancy lattes.
GYAIN 2.0 Is Live
There are lots of exciting new features and experiences in the works and a few things we are rolling out right now. There are a few goals of this revamp. The main goal is to revamp and revitalize the community and make it better than ever. We want to ensure that many of the functions […]
Introducing Aidan Weltner
Aidan Weltner grew up in Boise, ID and always had a deep connection to the outdoors. He started mountain biking, skiing, and backpacking at a young age and continues to enjoy the outdoors on a daily basis where he lives in Bozeman, MT. Professionally, Weltner is a web designer and developer at his company, Cottontail […]