In order to maintain a community that is safe and inclusive for everyone and have baseline standards to quality community posts and images we have a few rules in place. They are by no means perfect but they ensure that the moderators can keep sane and that everyone feels comfortable contributing their stories. If you have an argument for why these rules do not accomplish these goals, we’d like to hear about it.

Rules for contribution to the community

The rules for contributing to the GYAIN community are pretty simple.

1. Images must be accompanied by a story

… or good answers to a few of our questions. Conversely, stories need to be accompanied by an image. This is simply to ensure consistency across our platform. Images also aid in pushing the subjects further out of their comfort zones.

2. No clothing allowed in images

The subject(s) in any submitted image must not be wearing any clothing. Exceptions include gloves, hats, shoes/boots and socks. Exceptions are also occasionally allowed for bags and packs. No undies, shirts, or pants. Discarded clothing also may not be visible in any image.

3. Butts must be featured in an image

The subject(s) must have their butts featured in the submitted image. Afterall, this is Get YOUR ASS Into Nature. Other “non-instagram friendly” genitalia are often allowed on the site but they will not be posted to Instagram.

4. Images must be taken outside

Images need to be outside with as few human-made elements as possible. Moderators will be keeping an eye out for subjects who are off-trail in known areas where off-trail travel is prohibited so please do not try and submit areas where you are breaking these laws.

5. No hateful or isolating speech

Your submission will be denied if it contains any hateful or isolating speech.

6. Your image is not guaranteed to end up on Instagram

Any image that gets approved will end up on the site but a small percentage of those images will end up on the Instagram page.

Rules for viewing the gallery

1. Keep an open mind

Many people who submit to the gallery are being incredibly vulnerable with their experiences outdoors. Keep in mind that sharing stories can often be very difficult for some people and that their background may differ greatly from your own. Keep an open mind when reading through stories.

2. Harassment is taken seriously

We take harassment very seriously. It you decide that it’s appropriate to harass someone who has posted on the user gallery you will be publicly outed and blocked from all GetYourAssIntoNature communities.

3. Consider sharing your own stories

If you are inspired by those who contribute to the community, go out and have your own experiences so you too can share them.